After Root Canal Treatment

After root canal treatment, sensitivity in the teeth is a common occurrence. This sensitivity is typically caused by the removal of the nerve tissue during the procedure and is generally temporary. The duration of sensitivity varies from person to person, but it usually subsides within a few days to a week. Maintaining good oral hygiene is important for the complete healing of the tooth. Pain relievers and protective measures recommended after the procedure can help support the healing process.

After root canal treatment, another important consideration is the structural preservation of the tooth and avoiding excessive force. The treated tooth may be sealed with a temporary filling, and in such cases, a follow-up appointment for a permanent filling is necessary. Additionally, excessive pressure should not be applied to the treated area, and hard foods should be avoided. Regular check-ups are essential to minimize the risk of reinfection or fracture of the treated tooth. Any post-procedure pain generally decreases over time. However, if the pain persists along with swelling or similar symptoms, it is important to consult the dentist again.

What should be considered after root canal treatment? The answers to this question may vary depending on many aspects. However, in general, the things to be considered after the procedure can be listed as follows:

  • The medications recommended by the doctor should be used regularly to reduce pain. Especially if there is sensitivity or pain, the prescribed painkillers should be taken on time.
  • Excessive pressure should not be applied to the treated tooth. Hard foods should be avoided and care should be taken during chewing.
  • If there is a temporary filling, an appointment should be made for a permanent filling or crown. This should be done to completely strengthen the tooth after root canal treatment.
  • Oral hygiene should be taken care of. Oral health should be maintained with regular brushing, flossing and mouthwash.
  • Regular control appointments should not be disrupted. The healing process of the tooth should be observed and physician intervention should be provided when necessary.
Kanal Tedavisi Sonrası

Pain After Root Canal Treatment

Some people may experience mild pain and sensitivity after root canal treatment. This is usually due to the healing process of the tissues around the treated tooth. Especially complaints of throbbing after root canal treatment are common during the healing of the tissues around the treated tooth.

After root canal treatment, the anesthesia should be allowed to wear off completely before eating. Otherwise, the tongue or lip may be bitten without being noticed. After the treatment, no pressure should be put on the tooth and hard and sticky foods should be avoided. If swelling is noticed after root canal treatment, this may be a sign of an infection and a professional intervention may be required.

Another important question is whether you can drink water after root canal treatment. Drinking water after treatment is usually not a problem, but it is recommended to avoid very hot or very cold drinks.

Root canal treatment is performed by endodontic specialists. If necessary, dental crowns can be applied to protect the tooth in the post-treatment process. Aesthetic and functional strengthening of the tooth is achieved through this procedure. The treatment is part of general dentistry and hygiene rules should be observed throughout the treatment process. Root canal treatment prices may vary depending on the condition of the tooth, the number of sessions and the materials used.

Kanal Tedavisi Sonrası

Finally, it is important to continue brushing your teeth regularly after treatment. In this way, the hygiene of the teeth is ensured and the risk of re-infection is minimized.

Dentist Elşen Yusufoğlu performs many oral and dental health applications including root canal treatment. You can contact us for your dental clinic applications in Ankara.